Shanghai Tour Guide

Shanghai is one of the four municipalities under Chinese Republic and is directly administered by the central government. It ranks as the largest city in the country. It also grades second in the world's most populous cities. It has the world's busiest container port. It encircles the provinces of Jiangsu and Zhejiang in the north, south and west and is confined to the east by the East China Sea. Shanghai earned its fame due to the trade and recognition of its favourable port location and economic potential. The city is home to the Shanghai Stock Exchange, which is considered the world's largest by market capitalization. It lies on the east coast of China and is nearly equidistant from Beijing and Guangzhou. It experiences a humid subtropical climate and has four distinct seasons. The chill winter season is damp too, with the northwesterly winds from Siberia causing the nighttime temperatures to drop below the freezing point. Spring, rainy and autumn seasons...